Life is very busy this time of year, but here are a few poems.
“Emily Dickinson at the Poetry Slam” by Dan Vera – Yesterday was Emily Dickinson’s birthday, and so Poetry magazine sent this out as their poem-of-the-day. I like its ridiculous imagination in tribute to her power.
“Personal Poem” by Esther Belin – Since the title calls on one to go reread the Frank O’Hara poem, this one made me think about the changes between his midcentury America sixty years ago and ours.
“A Black Genius” by Ishmael Reed – The line breaks, and how the rhyme scheme changes, intrigued me with this one.
Also, a heads up that Ana Reisens is once again offering her workshop The Poet’s Guide to Literary Journals on January 5th. If you sign up by December 22, there’s an early bird discount (availability permitting). Last time a great rapport developed among the participants, so this promises to once again be a great way to give your poetry submission process a jumpstart.
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